How to Design Nested Loops and Hypnotic Stories


Part One- the five stories

Nested loops are very important to your Conversational Hypnosis. They will be a part of you hypnosis that if used correctly will help you to draw in your subject, bypass their critical factor, offer you a place to leave your suggestions and create amnesia. All these are important parts of the hypnotic process and will be valuable in accomplishing your goals.

The general structures of all four types of nested loops from basic to master level are important to your hypnosis. The question now is how do they look when they are in use, how do you go from knowing what the structure looks like to actually constructing it yourself? That is what you will be taking a look at here, how to combine all the tools you have learned in the area of nested loops to build a nested loop and know the process of doing so.

The first step that you will want to consider is how many stories you will be using, this can change as you go through your nested loop as you can build loops inside of loops but after you reach the suggestion and trance process phase you will not be adding any more stories. Because you are limited there it is a good idea to start out with a rough idea of how many stories you will be including.

In this article you will be looking at the construction of a nested loop with five stories in it. You will learn how to create a five story nested loop because it is important to know the different types of stories and what they can accomplish for you in a set of nested loops.

The five types of stories will be first a very short example; this will be a true life story from your experiences. It can be an example of how to tell a story or something that happened to you at the grocery store. The important thing to do with this first story is to keep it short and conversational. The reasons for this are two fold, you want your story short so the listener is really drawn in to it without getting too much, you don’t want them to feel overloaded, yet.

You also want to use a short story that is true because it will make an impact on the listener. The reason for keeping your very first story one that can be conversational goes for any type of story you choose to tell first and that is you want an easy start. This is a smooth way to flow into all your stories, the listener knows they are hearing a story but it is interesting and something they would normally hear in an every day conversation, there is a comfort in that.

The second story you will use for this example is an anecdote. An anecdote is a story that is a true life event that happened to you but with more story telling aspects to it than the previous story. When you hear an anecdote you will immediately recognize it as a story because there are some story characteristics built in to it. You use more of the sensory rich descriptions to set an entire scene, who was there, where were they, how did things happen, what were the causes and effects within the story.

The third story you will use in this nested loop will be what is called a direct story. This is a story that has all the specific characteristics of a real story. It will never present itself in a way that can be interpreted any other way than it is a story. It will display that there is no question about the fact that it is an invented story that has been made up and told as a story.

The fourth story in the five story loop you are working with here will be a fairy tale. Fairy tales are great stories to use, almost everyone can relate to them on some level because most people grew up listening to them. The fairy tale will bring a childhood comfort to your listener because they have been conditioned through out life to hear fairy tales and know how to listen to them.

Because fairy tales are so familiar to most people they will in a way start to form a trance for the person simply because of the type of story it is. As you decide to tell fairy tales you must always remember to shape them in a way that targets the adult audience if that is who you are working with, you don’t want them to feel weird or out of place listening to a ‘child’s story’.

Finally the fifth story in this nested loop instruction will be another type of direct story. You can tell a hybrid of the genuine story and the made up story. This can be a direct story in the sense that it is a true event with story characteristics that are recognizable to your listener. But it can also have fictional counterparts added in, a story teller for example that is obviously a fictional character. Stories like this can be easily turned into completely direct stories or anecdotes too.

So now you have your five stories to use in the actual construction of your nested loop. It is important to remember that the types of stories here are not set in stone. You will want to use a series of types of stories that best serves the purpose of your hypnosis session. These are simply good examples to get some ideas and thoughts flowing through your head. You can also change stories, you don’t always have to tell the story the same, make it customized for you listener so you can really pull the emotion or state you are looking for from them.

In the five stories you have above to use in your nested loop you will notice that naturally as you tell these stories in order the length of them will be important. You have read and been told that a story can last a few minutes or hours upon hours. For this instruction you will make your first story very short, the second short but a bit longer than the first, the third story around the same length as the second, the fourth story will be longer than the all the preceding stories and the fifth story will be the longest of the whole bunch.

This is one natural way of drawing your listener in, you have worked up to the longest story making each one before it shorter and because of this it is easy to follow your lead and keep an uninterrupted flow.

Part Two- What to do with the five stories

Now you have your five stories and you need to know what to do with them. Remember the five stories you are using are merely examples when you come to the point of constructing your own nested loops you will choose stories that fit the event, problem or occasion your client is dealing with. They do not have to be told in this order nor do they have to be the same types of stories as long as you put thought into the reasons why you are choosing the stories you are choosing, which you will read about in a little bit.

So now you will get into the structure and sequence of the stories you have as well as how to choose the stories you will use once you start to construct nested loops without an example. You will use the same type of structure as you have learned on how to use nested loops. You will begin with story one tell it partially, then move to story two, and then story three.

Now as you get to story four you will do something new that is a refinement on how to use a nested loop, you don’t always have to do this but it is an option you can keep in mind as you construct your loops. Story four, the fairy tale, you will tell completely. You will begin and end it as if you were just telling a normal story without stopping 80% of the way through.

In doing this you are creating a loop inside of your nested loops. This is called a mini loop. You can do this because as you are working with the master level of loops, as you are here, you will want to break up the rigid schedule of the regular nested loop. It will be more natural if you open and close some loops with in, this is common among storytellers in that your audience will finally get a resolution to something.

It may not be a complete resolution as you still have three other stories open but this mini loop will become a closed up loop within the structure of the bigger nested loop picture. Because it is story four and it is somewhere in the middle you are not hindering the amnesia that will eventually be created by closing the other four stories in reverse.

After you tell story four completely you will transition with a hard or soft loop as you will do between all your stories and move back into a piece of story three then into the beginning of story five. This will keep the flow for when you close these remaining four stories, there will be a connection for the mind between story three and five.

Now you come to the space where you will leave your suggestion and use your trance process. After that you will start to tell the endings to your stories in the reverse order; first story five, then story three (because story four is already a complete entity), then story two and finally story one.

Designing your loop in this fashion with a mini loop within it will make your nested loops more interesting, less mundane and rigid. It will add some color and a little gratification for your listener when they get some resolution to the fourth story before the entire nested loop is completed.

Now you have completed your nested loop and you can see how it all works together. The next step will be for you to start to create your own nested loops and you will need some pointers in how to design and create the stories so you can serve the purpose you are trying to serve.

When you begin to design your nested loops and the stories with in you will not always start with the first story. This specific nested loop was created with the third story in mind first and then the two stories were added to the beginning to make the introduction to the third story more flowing, all the while still bringing in topics within those first two stories that were both applicable and helpful.

The first story, the true experience, was added to create a smooth and flowing conversational beginning to the nested loop. The second story was created because of the first story as a second lead in, one more useful pillow to cushion the way into the third story.

You want to be sure to add other Conversational Hypnosis aspects to these stories as you create them; the piggy back principal, seeding, rapport hooks, really any of the principals you have learned to get the listener all drawn in and tied up in your stories.

As you start to create new stories and select the stories you will use you want to keep a theme in your mind. Know what it is you want to embed inside you listener before you get to the big bombshell of open space, suggestions and trance processes. Use ambiguity to make the themes less obvious but still apparent to the unconscious so you listener takes one thing from the meaning they consciously hear and a completely different thing from the interpretations of the unconscious.

It is also important as you construct your nested loops and choose the stories you will use to have a stock of stories you really love, ones you find personal value in. Remember you always want to go first in the state you wish to project onto and bring out of your subject. When you are using some stories you find personal value in that also fit the context in which you are working they will be beneficial for both of you.

Another thing you will want to do with your stories as you create a stock of them is to make them adaptable. You want stories that you can mold in order to produce different state and extract different emotions from your listeners.

Adaptable stories will make your job as a hypnotist easier in the fact that you will have certain stories you can use for many different purposes. They will be able to fit the different environments and circumstances presented to you by the clients you are working with.

This is one of the best ways to select and construct stories for your nested loops. It is not the only way of course and you will grow into what works best for you. This should at least give you a starting point until you refine the selection and sequencing processes that work best for you personally.

For more information please visit Conversational Hypnosis