How to Use Embedded Suggestions and Stacked Realities in Hypnosis


Conversational Hypnosis you have learned thus far how to use your language expertly and how to use inductions to instill a state of trance. Now you will need to know how to integrate embedded suggestions and stacked realities into the inductions and stories you are using in your hypnosis.

Embedded suggestions and stacked realities are very powerful tools to master in your use of Conversational Hypnosis. They will help to indirectly and directly get responses from the unconscious mind to assist in the resolution of problems with the people around you. Part of learning to embed suggestions and stack realities successfully is to be a great story teller in the first place.

In your stories you must be continuing to use sensory rich descriptions with both of these concepts. You can use different tools in your stories to do this, but always making sure that you continue to access the visual, emotional, audible and physical touch senses. You can integrate all these sensory descriptions into the very direct approach or you can become increasingly indirect by using the ‘my friend John/Jane’ principal or extended quotes. These will be beneficial in the uses of embedded suggestions and stacked realities.

Stacked realities, or the ability to create many different realities for your listener, are a great way to bypass the critical factor. This is the skill of telling stories that are complicated in the sense that there are many things going on to the point of confusion. You will tell stories with many different characters, topics and other information.

As you do this you will not make it clear as to who is saying what or when events may have happened. You want your stories to take on a sense of running themes together to create a confusion that will start to overload and overwhelm the conscious mind.

A good example of this is when you are listening to a ‘he said she said’ story from one of your friends. As the person rattles on endlessly you begin to loose track of who is saying what and to whom. Another good example is when a person starts to explain their family to you, as you are trying to keep track of who is married to who and how many children they have as well as all their names things tend to start getting a little fuzzy around the middle of the story. This fuzziness is the effect you are looking for when you are stacking realities.

When you start to incorporate stacked realities into your stories you will also be using a large level of ambiguity. Ambiguity in hypnosis, if you remember can be a valuable practice when it is done right, here is a place to use it.

The ambiguity or vagueness of your comments will again cause enough confusion to bypass the critical factor, hide messages and through a person off enough that they will not follow the story as smoothly as they would if you were being very direct and clearer. However, it should not cause enough concern in following the story that the person you are talking to feels they must stop you to ask a question.

Once you have mastered stacked realities and how to work them into the themes and topics of your stories you will be moving on to the perfecting of embedded suggestions. Embedded suggestions are a tool that you can use in all different various types of stories and inductions. They are simply messages that are hidden within the words, themes and topics of your language.

You will use ambiguous messages in your embedded suggestions as a way of saying one thing to the conscious mind but letting the unconscious mind pull a completely different meaning from the words you used. When you thing of the word right you know it has several different meanings.

It can mean you are referring to something directionally as in you turn right at the corner. It can mean that you are correct in a thing, yes you are right that is correct, or it can be used to state you are writing down a thing. Now the word is spelled differently in this last example but remember you are conversing and even though your mind will associate different meanings with different spelling. If the words sound alike it can cause a trigger of different meanings in the conscious and unconscious minds.

When you use these ambiguous words and themes correctly it will send at least two different messages to the person you are talking to. One will be on the conscious level and will make sense in the context you are using it in. The other meaning that the unconscious mind perceives, when you use this technique correctly, will be perceived as a term associated with the problem at hand, the solution you are after, trigger you are setting or emotional state you are incorporating. Which of these it relates the word or theme to be completely dependant on your sub-communications and the construction of the suggestion and where it is directed by the unconscious mind?

If you are thinking about and constructing your embedded suggestions well you will be letting the unconscious mind read that there are at least two different meaning for what you have just said. The unconscious mind then knows that its job is to allow the conscious mind to have the idea that makes the most sense and the unconscious mind will attach a response to the less likely of the two. This process is more effective if you are consistent in embedding the suggestions repeatedly as you go through the hypnotic process.

With both of these new concepts fresh in your mind you will want to achieve the most success in your Conversational Hypnosis by adding them elegantly to the inductions and stories you are using. You and your clients will both benefit from them greatly.

For more information please visit Conversational Hypnosis