A Step by Step Guide to Mastering Conversational Hypnosis


One of the first things to remember before you dive into this overview is that Conversational Hypnosis is a very complex and highly sophisticated art. There will be many pieces for you to master as you continue through the articles. You must be sure to take the time to truly master each step before moving on to the next step.

If you do this through out you will find that putting the puzzle together will come much more naturally. As you learn each step fully you will then be ready to add the refinements and additional concepts found in the next step. Remember that feeling overwhelmed and awkward at first with this amount of information will be natural, but you will soon see that you probably already have most of the steps down and they just need to be fine tuned through a bit more concentration and practice.

Through out this article and the following articles you will be making every piece of Conversational Hypnosis a completely natural process, you will know it well enough that it will come spontaneously and easily. As you do this you will be adding other pieces that will all fit together to create a beautiful hypnotic flow of language and become a master of Conversational Hypnosis.

When you come upon steps that you are having troubles with you will want to return to those articles and reread and more fully embody the information there. After you understand it and can practice it comfortably you will be ready to move forward.

If you do not take care of the pieces that need your attention as the present themselves you will have problems fitting all the pieces together in the end. So take the time to really understand and accomplish each set of steps before you move on.

This is an overview of the nine steps in mastering Conversational Hypnosis; you will have a more in depth look at each step in future articles this is to get you prepared for the journey ahead.

Step one in mastering Conversational Hypnosis is really the foundation of your education. This step includes all the concepts that will hold your hypnosis together. In this step you will learn to use your linguistic bridges, the purest of language. You will begin to combine those with precision language including hot words and amplification languages.

You will also start to incorporate ambiguous messages and confusion languages. This will be done with other language skills you have learned such as shock and surprise and tension release cycles. All this language will come together to complete step one of the nine step process in mastering Conversational Hypnosis.

In the second step of the nine step process you will simply be adding to the concepts in the first step. In this step you will be creating the right environment, a hypnotic atmosphere. The tools you will use in order to seduce people into trance will include going beyond rapport using status, wide rapport, rapport hooks, fractionate rapport as well as instant rapport techniques.

As you incorporate all these things you will also be adding in all you have learned about signal recognition. Using signal recognitions will include using a heightened state of awareness. Tonality will be added to this as well using ‘going first’, squeezing the meaning from your words and command tonalities.

Finally you will add in the authority strategies by using power tactics, agreement tactics and persistence tactics. All of these powerful skills will come together to create the type of atmosphere you need for whatever hypnotic interaction you are attempting to achieve.

In step three you will be refining your process by adding in the element of solidarity. You will do this by again taking from the skills you have learned and adding them to the big picture we are creating as an entire process. This will come in the inductions you have learned.

You will begin to add in the hypnotic gaze induction using the 4 Stage Protocol. This will also include all aspects that you learned with the hypnotic gaze; holding the gaze, lowering your tone, focusing through your listener and describing the trance experience.

You will also refine the process by making everything more indirect. You will do this using concepts you have learned including the ‘my friend John/Jane’ and extended quotes techniques. All these concepts will come together to add a solid effect to your hypnotic interactions.

In step four of the nine steps you will be introducing the next induction, the piggy back induction. In this induction you will be using multiple topics, yes sets and piggy back suggestions. You will continue with making the induction more indirect by way of hypnotic themes, moving the focus from the external to the internal as well as mind reads. This step is very important as the piggy back induction is a powerful and important part of your hypnosis after you learn it well you will move on to step five in the nine step process.

Step five is adding yet another induction, the trance voice induction. This will include creating trance voices that include conscious and unconscious voices and multiple hypnotic voices. From there you will move on to add the embedding of multiple levels of suggestion by way of all three inductions and including different trance themes within each. As all the steps come together and become a natural part of your hypnotic process you will be ready to move on to step six.

In this next step, step six you will be refining the process even further using stories and sensory rich descriptions to layer in your suggestions and trance themes. You will do this using sensory rich descriptions, stacked realities and the learned story skills you have taken from your studies. You will also use this step to embed suggestions using ambiguous messages both directly and indirectly.

After the mastery of step six you will move on to step seven which will start to incorporate the frames controls. This will include all the framing aspects of maintaining your frame, preframing, reframing and deframing. You will also use assumptions and implications to strengthen the frames you are using. These are all the refinements you will add to step seven and once you have integrated them comfortably you can move on to the next step.

Step eight is going to be adding in your trance processes yet again. You will use the trance formulas you have learned including the PCAT and COMILA formulas. In these you will add future memories, post hypnotic suggestions and starting with the smallest steps. You are almost there; you have a nearly complete sophisticated hypnotic process at this point.

Finally you will move on to step nine which will involve all the steps one through eight and then adding to that nested loops in step nine. You will use all the basic, intermediate, advanced and master level loops. You will also be utilizing the hard and soft loop to transition between your loops and stories. And you are complete.

It is important to remember that although this process seems very complicated and in depth you will be perfecting one step at a time until it comes naturally. Once each completed step come as a natural process you will begin to master the next step. This way of refining and perfecting the process will make it easy to digest and a flowing way of integrating all these powerful and important steps into one masterpiece called Conversational Hypnosis.

For more information please visit Conversational Hypnosis